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HOT TOWELS: Hot towels applied to an area that has been massaged can help reduce future soreness from the massage. Helps calm an overworked area. Hot towels on the feet after they have been massaged feels amazing.. 

What we offer at Mystic Body and Soul.

Hot towels are included for the neck and feet for every massage. Also to remove excess lotion and oils from the body.

 *If you want Hot towels for the back or any other area there is an additional cost.

skincare/Erupean 7 step facial

Our Euro Facial is the perfect facial which included our Exclusive Ylang Ylang Exfoliating mask. Double steam clean, skin analysis, minor extractions, Ylang Ylang exfoliation, extended facial massage, multi vitamin mask, moisturizer, spf.


this INTENSIVE treatment is AMAZING..

Microderm fluffs off top layer, produces collagen, reduces pores, fine lines, evens out skintone, Micro-current decreases wrinkles and is like taking your face to the gym. LED COLOR LIGHT THERAPY helps prevent aging, lines and wrinkles. Also helps with pigmentation.

Extra Hot Towels

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